Professional Certification Services

You don’t need to travel to Canada to have your documents certified. Saad Syed is a certified notary public and Commission of Oaths who is licenced to practice law in Canada. He’ll help you:

  • Commission affidavits and declarations
  • Make documents acceptable before Canadian courts
  • Verify legal documents’ authenticity in English
  • Confirm medical or insurance records
  • And more!
We offer a range of exclusive services to help you to immigrate to Canada beginning with an assessment of your Canadian immigration eligibility to easing your settlement in Canada.

Як ми можемо вам допомогти?

Ми пропонуємо широкий спектр ексклюзивних послуг, які допоможуть Вам іммігрувати в Канаду, починаючи від оцінки Вашої можливості іммігрувати і закінчуючи поселенням в Канаді.